…at least not very much.

And it’s not full of nudity!

From the comments on this site, you’d think Rotte was some kind of borderline-porn OMG NIPPLES AND VULVA EVERYWHERE BRB FAPPING series! But it’s not!

Rotte’s artwork is over-the-top cute, and is fanservice-y enough to be considered “ecchi”, but every other aspect of the series (ignoring the whole “loli succubus” thing, which is really not that prominent, other than as a plot premise) is presented fairly innocently.

I think someone who wants to see it as perverted faptastic lolicon fodder has every reason to. But just because you see nudity where I see clothes, doesn’t mean there’s nudity.

In before “lol naked Asuha ass.” She’s just being a cute kid, you perverts.

*awaits comment shitstorm*

OMG okay so I finally got around to reading Kimi ni Todoke chapter 47 and 48, right? I was totally starting to rage toward the end of 47, but then three pages to the end, Sawako and Kazehaya are walking home from cram school, and she decides to try holding his hand, and reached over, [next page], and a bit closer, [next page], and a bit closer… CHAPTER END! Anyways, by a couple of pages into the next chapter, I could simultaneously piss my pants squeeing in excitement, and die from sudden heart failure because my heart is pumping GALLONS PER MINUTE. THE TENSION. Her hand creeps closer, [next page], and closer, [next page], and closer, [next page], and it actually went on for like EIGHT FUCKING PAGES, and then their hands touched!!!!!!1 …And she got startled and pulled her hand away. FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUCKKK!! But then Kazehaya totally saved the day (and Sawako’s precious little heart, and mine too!) and grabbed her hand and they went walking home hand-in-hand and I was like : D, but then SAWAKO’S MOM SAW THEM. OMG I CAN’T READ THIS FAST ENOUGH. Anyways, the entire rest of the chapter was : DDDDDDD. And that is how, every time, Kimi ni Todoke turns me into a little girl. I cried tears of joy over chapter 48.

tl;dr: Whoever it is over at Mango Scans that typesets Kimi ni Todoke needs to stop using shitty, unreadable fonts, and use some common sense when mixing different fonts together, because the ones they chose totally clash. On top of being terrible choices for typesetting a comic.

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