Art by Kanzaki Hiro

Much thanks to Vexed for coming to the rescue with a translation for this chapter!

NOTICE: If you’ve already downloaded the chapter, please replace the old files with the fixed version. Sorry for the delay.

Art by Yokoi Masashi

Don’t you dare perv on my precious friends!

I- it’s not like we need your help or anything! I just think you should check out the recruitment page! That’s all!

Art by Takamichi

Since the font changed for chapter 2, it only made sense to make chapter 1 available with the new font.

Art by Takamichi

Haruka makes me smile. What do you like about this series?

Kirino Edit: You should check out our updated Recruitment page! I- it’s not like we need help or anything!

Art by Takamichi

Here’s chapter 1 of a full-colour book by my all-time favorite illustrator, Takamichi. It’s really cute. And it’s colour.

P.S. Don’t read it all in one sitting.

Edit: If you downloaded this within about twenty minutes of it being posted, there’s a correction to the notes page. You can get just that page here.

Art by Haga Yui

Have. Some. Loli.

[My word! First release post.]

Have. FUN. … *Calms down*

[First post ever? Indeed so, chap! I came for a loli wannabe game developer, got stuck with a loli in a world where everyone is either flat or quite well endowed. Enjoy this, ’cause we worked hardon it. Lol, Hard on- I mean bye.]

M I K U R U (丿`▽)丿━━━━* B E A M U

Art by Hara Yui

So, I was browsing Amazon the other month and I found a 4koma about the cultural gap between cute girls. Unfortunately, Sayori from some scan group whose name I can’t be bothered to remember already had the raws and was just about to release the first chapter. Unfortunately, she cocked up the entire thing.

Art by Haga Yui

jii-jii: Effie: “So far as I can recall, my sister’s were bigger than mine…”
jii-jii: Asuha: “Dad… you were just imagining that, weren’t you?”
saru: i was just imagining that.
saru: how could…
saru: effie’s are already as big as her head
saru: each.
saru: o_O

Art by Haga Yui

Rem: There’s supposed to be an image of Sif here, but saru forgot to upload it. What a buttlord.

Is there something wrong with me?