We’ve got a brand-new site layout! Though I’m pretty sure you’ve already noticed. It’s not 100% done yet, but it’s good enough that we figured we could switch to it now. Feel free to let us know if something is broken, or if you have any feedback. If you do provide feedback, please check the very bottom of the page, and note whether it’s HTML 5 or XHTML, as that makes a big difference in how we find and fix problems.

The layout has been tested in Chrome 7, Firefox 3.6, Firefox 4 beta 7, Safari 5 and IE 8. It looks mostly right in Opera 10.60, but hasn’t been tested in versions older than that. Since Opera is almost as bad as IE when it comes to rendering things all wonky, fuck that. If you have an issue with Opera, unless you include a drop-in fix that doesn’t break rendering in other browsers, keep it to yourself because we don’t care. Also, I should probably note that the new layout hasn’t been tested at all in IE 7 or earlier (not just not tested, I haven’t even opened it up in anything earlier than IE 8). Also, in the near future, IE 6 and older will be blocked from viewing the site at all.

Comments are broken at the moment though. For some reason they were working on the development server, and aren’t here. It’s being worked on.

Edit: Comments are working now.

8 Responses to “New Site Layout”

  1. Sasura says:

    I liked the previous layout but this will be good too when it’s less empty^^.
    Personnaly, i don’t even understand why one would use IE except to download firefox or else. well, it’s just what i think…

    • saru says:

      What do you mean by “less empty”? It’s not like we’re going to “fill it up” with anything. :\ Other than putting something into the empty header area, the theme is done, as-is.

      • Kirino says:

        He wants a super-busy theme like the ones used by shitscanners. Ads everywhere, huge font, etc.

        • Sasura says:

          Oh please, i hate ads >< I was talking about the header. and also, I felt like it was kinda empty compared to before, i really liked the background pic.

  2. random passer-by says:

    If you’re going to put XHTML 1.1 in your footer, you should at least try to serve XHTML-proper, otherwise just stick to plain ol’ HTML.


    Also, what’s with the Opera hate? The Presto rendering engine has been on par with Gecko and Webkit since Opera 8, if not earlier.

    • random passer-by, redux says:

      PS: kudos on coding your own theme; leaps and bounds cooler than 99% of the other groups sporting WordPress

    • saru says:

      IE doesn’t handle application/xhtml+xml at all (it offers to download the page’s XHTML to a file for you), and I was feeling a bit too lazy to send separate headers for non-IE browsers. Especially when the focus is more on the HTML 5 version of the theme (which you get automatically, if your browser is capable).

      The Opera hate comes from Opera fucking up CSS3 pretty terrifically. It takes a separate stylesheet to make Presto render the site so it doesn’t look like ass. That and Opera’s wonky UI.

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