Art by Masuda Kuniaki

I couldn’t wait any longer for this, so I just did it myself.

Edit: If you downloaded this and the last page is only half translated, download again. I’ve updated the zip file.

P.S. We haven’t picked this up as a regular project (though it may become more regular if Twincest keeps taking so long after raws appear to release). If someone from Twincest sees this, you’re more than welcome to use my PSDs (assuming you’re not already done/mostly done). Hell, you can just take the zip, slap your name on it and release, for all I care. I’m not doing it for the credit.

49 Responses to “KissxSis 46”

  1. Kuro vi Lolitannia says:

    Lol, good reason. Thanks guys.

  2. qaz says:

    lol, whatever happen to the scanlator’s code of honor?
    anyway, just hope this has accurate translation.

  3. anon says:

    Twincestscans will be angry.

    • saru says:

      They need to release faster then. Given a real translator, this whole chapter was maybe 2-4 hours of combined work. Raws have been out for like a week now.

      • Jii-Jii says:

        Grandpa disapproves of your hastiness and impatience.

        • saru says:

          Can’t be helped!

          Seriously though, this was my project, long before Twincest ever did it. I did chapters 13-23 from the tanks, and 27-34 of the magazines.

          Edit: Please see abcd’s comment, below.

          • Deject says:

            “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

            Thanks for the releases. If there is any trouble, it is always more fun when things get shaken up.

          • abcd9146 says:

            Well, I’m from twincest and I don’t really care who does this series (can’t say for my editor though), like someone else said, we both have other stuff to work on. We only started the group when the last member of AnimeSigma disappeared.

            But I just needed to clear up one thing:
            You say you did chapters 13-23 from the tanks, and 27-34 of magazines, so I assume you were “monkey” of AnimeSigma… but just to let you know, I translated 13-23 of the tanks and 18+ from magazines, so (partly) the only reason you were ever able to work on this was thanks to me (and dosetsu for scans). So just don’t say that this was your project, I was already working on this before you.

            • saru says:

              You’re right, that’s not a very fair way for me to put it, and I offer my apologies, for whatever that’s worth. Having done an extremely small amount of translation myself, I realize it’s no small task. I appreciate the effort you’ve made, and didn’t mean to belittle it. Actually, come to think of it, dosetsu did editing on a few of the chapters in that range too, so it wasn’t all me with the editing, either. Somehow I’d managed to confuse your name with someone else in my head, and was under the impression someone else was translating for Twincest (which, at least in my mind, lends a bit more credibility to my “I was doing it first” mindset).

              Anyways, I’m glad there’s no hard feelings on your part, and I hope your editor isn’t too upset over it. We really aren’t actually picking up this series, and you’re free to use the PSDs I posted however you want. I’m sure there’s glaring errors in the translation (not to mention the completely untranslated handwritten text), so it’s probably still worth Twincest doing a release of this chapter.

    • kundumstaf says:

      not angry….
      the translator helping me got bored of the series… so now i dont have one…

      mayb we can help mutually.

  4. silverhand31 says:

    Nice, thanks you

  5. Kirino says:

    Funny, I didn’t see people bitching when someone else started scanlating Ore no Imouto.

  6. dosetsu says:

    Kissxsis is the best manga ever. De geso!

  7. Trimutius says:

    Thanks a lot guys!
    Hope u wouldn’t mind if I use ur translation to translate it into Russian?

    • saru says:

      Feel free, but keep in mind that it’s probably not a very good translation.

      • Trimutius says:

        It’s really hard to find Japanese-Russian translator (especially not a lazy one who will work for the fun of it), so we don’t have much choice. For Russian Fans it’s better to have at least something rather then nothing at all.

  8. Oppius says:

    Its all good in all fairness like you said they are taking for fucking ever and honestly if someone else decides to translate it after its been so long then they have no reason to bitch… GJ thanks for the translate

    P.S. do hope u become the norm if they do decide to keep on taking forever 😉

  9. Jukey says:

    Nice…I like dat pomf

  10. gunzen says:

    you kiddiez criticize how slow other people are, but you don’t know why they’re slow in the first place. anyone mind saying why they’re slow? no?

    maybe its because twincest is a collaborative effort of two or more people who belong to other scanlation groups. that’s right, aside from twincest, they have their own scanlation groups to take care of and real life too.

    don’t freaking criticize when you don’t know anything. but really saru, I know how busy people in twincest are. you made life easier for them. maybe when your scanlating group has more than 6 series to scanlate, you won’t criticize about how slow things are.

  11. Rem says:

    Everyone mad.

  12. T1 says:

    Nah, Im god.

    So anyone gonna take over the projects we do cuz we are slooooow too? I wouldn’t give a damn, heck I wound just get happy since that would mean I didn’t need to get bothered with it, heh. 😛

  13. Simone says:

    Thanks for the release ^^

  14. dtizzle says:

    i willing to edit but there not a raw up for ch 47 i can download and i need a translator and the scan to start. but i only want to work to finish the arc. i want a more discpline group to work on this

  15. Sin says:

    ch. 47 raw, its been out for 6 days

  16. KId says:

    Thanks for the release, really enjoyed it. I picked this of twincests blog, dont know if you have seen it already
    but I a big fan of this manga and want to see it coninue, so thought id share anyway. A group/person called kundumstaf has offered to translate so I dont know if you wanna/have had a chat with them. http://kundumstaf.wordpress.com/

    “so yeah, like you read below… i’ve kinda gotten over kissxsis, it was cool back when i started it, but i’ve probably been working on it for too long. the group “twincest” is new, but the staff are by no means new. we both jumped over from animesigma and i’m fairly sure i’ve been working on this series longer (chapter-wise) than anyone else, and it’s time for a change… as for kundumstaf, he’s probably been editing a chapter of manga a day for many years now 😡

    so yeah, seeing as kundum wants to continue, we just need a motivated translator to continue with the series. hopefully there’s someone out there who’s willing to help. if you’re willing, just leave a message in the comments section~”


    • dtizzle says:

      yea i saw that it’s the reason i post that comment because some members want to continue

    • saru says:

      I’ve spoken with kundumstaf already. Basically, I don’t have the time to do this series every month, and he needs a translator to continue on his own.

      So if anyone wants to translate KxS, that’s what everyone needs.

  17. Cellsplitter says:

    Looking forward to 47 🙂

  18. Ergzay says:

    Could you consider doing this? Facepalm lost their translator and has since gotten crap for english for the manga. You guys are now quite a bit better.

    • Kirino says:

      Excuse me?

    • saru says:

      No, I really don’t have the time to do it, and we don’t have the staff to pick it up. And if we did pick it up, we’d be doing volume scans, not magazine, so we’d constantly be about 6 or so months behind. Which means someone else would keep doing mag scans, making the volume stuff hard to justify the expense on.

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